Quick Facts About Compass High School
High school education can be delivered to students by different approaches with compass high school being the most popular alternative. In compass, high school students will have to learn without depending on the availability of classrooms. Public and conventional education system provision is the main aim and focus of the compass high school education. Interactive styles for education here will make the students like education more. The students here will have to portray their full identity through learning, and they are termed to be self-advocate. Considering compass high school, there are advantages for you to realize them. Hence, here is everything which you need to know about compass high school.
Tuition fee is not present for you when enrolling in compass high school. Tuition here is free, the supplies are also very free, and when it comes to transportation, you will have nothing to pay for. The compass high school was established to be a true alternative for the high school learning since the year 2001 up to now meaning that it is genuine. Every teacher here will have to handle only 16 students. Every enrollment does not have many students who may not be easy to manage, but luckily 550 is the number. When it comes to computer classes, you will find out that the computer to student ratio is 1:1.
Credit transfer is also applicable in the compass high school to all the high schools around. Learning requirements here are also very flexible making it good for the learners. This is important since it encourages the student to study as well as get a job which is outside the school to source money. You need to understand properly about the compass high school calendar for you to know about this flexibility issue. This is a good calendar which will have to make it convenient for the students.
The compass high school plan was also build behind some believes which is worthy for you to know more about them. It is believed that learning can take place from anywhere and this is the foundation pillar of the compass high school. Learning can also include independent studies, travels and also tours. Saving time when learning is important, and this is initiated by applying what you learn. The compass high school is, therefore, the best option to prepare the high school students to be adults with strong life and communication skills.
An experience of the challenge is what will have to initiate learning well instead of threats. A personal and self-concept learning approach is most successful. If you want to manage effective learning, feedback is key, and for compass high school, this is well catered for. The whole compass high school concept has now been delivered to you have read this article keenly.